Looking back on the year

Well, that was a busy, fun and good year. At times I felt like an octopus trying to do a different thing with each tentacle, but at others I was happy with all the goings on.

Remember my blog post from early in January, where I wondered if I could set goals by the numbers? I started off well but became bogged down by the "need" to record all the things I did. In that post, I also mentioned not allowing my intentions to become onerous, so I took my own advice and stopped recording in mid-July. It was a valiant attempt, but not worth the stress of keeping it going.

That being said, I’m sure I drank more than my predicted 1000 cups of tea. And even though I did not meet the numbers I set for myself in other areas, I’m still happy with how things went:

·         January: joined an artist’s group that met once a month throughout the year; joined a community orchestra
·         February: was part of a group exhibition AND jumped onto Instagram
·         March: was busy, busy, busy teaching, and trying madly to finish the first doll of the year (see my “setbacks” post)
·         April: finished teaching, finished the doll and took a 6-month hiatus from blogging (too many other things on the go)
·         May: went to New Zealand, saw lots, walked a lot and drew
·         June: played in the garden, weeded, etc.; doll work
·         July: went to fiddle camp; realized that keeping my journal of numbers wasn’t working for me; doll work
·         August: visited family; doll work
·         September: did a studio overhaul, doll work, finished knitting the last of the Christmas socks; decided to focus on fiddling rather than orchestral music
·         October: teaching, fiddling, doll work
·         November: learned how to spin wool (my “spontaneous something”), fiddled, finished the second doll
·         December: made cards for Christmas 2020; played at my first-ever fiddle "playout"; revisited doll #1, titled it and made a base for it.

I also managed to bike almost 2000km in our basement since January 1. I have a bike on a trainer and pedal while streaming shows off the computer.  Between biking and fiddling, I managed to develop two new habits this year, both of which are good for body and spirit. 

Time now for this octopus to reflect on what comes next!
