Making her Vows

The last dolls I made before the artist residency at Omineca Arts Centre were of two nuns: the novice making her first profession of vows to her prioress. It seemed a fitting tribute to our eldest, who, 5 years ago, decided to "redefine herself" and joined the Queen of Peace monastery in southern BC. 

She hasn't taken her final vows yet, but that will come, when it is time. In the meantime, she lives in a community of women from around the world, all of whom value education, sustainable living and aren’t afraid of hard work. Have you heard of Teresa, the hydro-electric turbine that came to reside with them? I am constantly amazed at what those ladies do.

At Omineca, these two are situated below a stitched pictures I made just over 10 years ago: reDefining herSelf. I figured the two artworks fit together, as they were on the same theme: deciding who you are, where you belong and sometimes adjusting those definitions as you travel on this journey called life.

I'm going to take a break from posting on the last day of this year, as I de-install the exhibition and sort everything back into their respective spots at home. 

Have a wonderful New Year's Eve. I'll be back again in 2021!
