And the year ends much as it began...

It is snowing out and the Christmas rush is over. I was fortunate to have quite a number of days off over the holidays and spent my time making my 2020 Christmas cards and finishing the "book doll" which I was working on last January. Yes, I know, I thought it was finished, but when a call for submissions came up, I realized that I could not send this doll out into the world with loose petals and flapping feet.

Last Friday, I learned how to use an angle grinder and discovered that with a bit of time and patience, it can be used to cut curves in slate. We dug up some old slate tiles (used at one time for a fireplace hearth, perhaps?) and found one that looked reasonably intact and nicely textured. Luckily the sun was shining and it was relatively warm (close to zero C), as the grinding had to occur outdoors, to keep down the dust.

On Saturday, I drilled the slate and attached the book and petals to it:

Now the call for submissions has been answered and I sit and wait and see what happens. Fingers crossed!

Oh, and by the way - there is now a title for this piece, a title being a necessary thing for exhibitions: How do you spell Love?
