Showing up, doing the work

I've taken a few classes and workshops from a local artist, Maureen Faulkner, and enjoyed every one. She usually starts her classes with a quote she keeps from Barbara Coloroso, I believe. While there are four points to her quote for being successful at what you choose to do, the first two quotes are the ones that resonate with me most (perhaps because that's the stage I'm at, usually): 1. Show up (on time) and 2. Do your work.

I find that,for me, artistically, it is the first step that offers up the greatest challenge. Once I've shown up, I usually have a good time working. However, lifeus interruptus is all too often the reason for not showing up. It takes a bit of effort to carve out time/make time/take time for artistic endeavours and it hit home last week, when I was teaching my adult drawing class, that I have not been able to do that for a while.

The question was "And what have you been drawing lately, Anna-Maria?". I hemmed and hawed, and referred people to the fact that painting kitchens and hallways takes time, not to mention all the other everyday things that pop up on a regular basis. I HAVE been making an effort to work on the "no fuss journal", and, while it does not happen every day, the gaps between sit-down times for it are small enough that I have been able to back-fill the entries and I am currenlty up-to-date.

Today, though, I managed a few hours in the studio, and, while I did not draw, I did artify and worked on some of my sewing projects. After binding 4 small quilts and mitering all the corners I think I'm getting more proficient at those skills. And it only took a few hours out of my day. That, however, is the key -- finding the hours, or the half hours, or the minutes, and deciding what can be done in the time available. Now that the garden is winterized, perhaps I will be able to find more Sunday afternoons to sit downstairs, turn on the tunes and create... once the house is cleaned, the laundry is done, the banking taken care of, etc. etc. etc.

Show up -- now that's a good goal!
