Website updates

Had some time last weekend in between painting walls of a bedroom, and poked around on my website a bit ( It was fairly old and dusty looking, so I decided to start cleaning it up and adding to the inventory of photos and information. I am by no means a website guru, but do my best with what I know how to do. Fibre Art changed to Fabric Art, as my focus is really a specific type of fiber -- Fabric!! The newest banner pictures are posted (2 years after they went up in Whistler -- they're down now for good) and the quilt I made in 2011. I think I'm a little behind the times! Still to come will be the "newest" fabric pieces and my dolls. I'm still considering how to incorporate them into the website. Maybe they'll need to go on the Fabric Art landing page and people can then go to wall art or doll art. I need to think that one through. And then I need to work through the list of dolls I have yet to make... and the quilt pieces... and so on and so forth. Too much to do, to little time!
