Series piece

Our final major assignment for the Drawing was what our instructor named a "Series Piece". Rather than draw a series of pictures, each relating to the next, we were instructed to draw just one picture that contained 4 separate pictures within it. This was definitely a challenging piece, as each "mini-drawing" needed to be stylistically distinct from the other three pieces, and yet all four pieces had to work together cohesively to make the larger piece of art. It took a while, but I think I finally got it. It is titled "Five Minutes in January" and is approximately 29" x 21". For those five minutes in January of 2009, I was overwhelmed by the site of thousands of Bohemian waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus) flying in an enormous loop in the sky and demolishing all the Elderberries on the neighborhood trees. It was truly a magnificent sight!
First, the entire piece:
And then the four individual pieces:
